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Why we exist

Our mission as a small press and literary journal is to share and uplift authors' voices. As authors ourselves, it is important to us to create a sense of community in all of our efforts because, as we all know, no creative work is written, completed, and shared alone. To usher one's writing into the world means to be a part of a larger process that includes editors, publishers, and readers. The creative dance of expression and communication is one that has been historically reserved for the majority or the wealthy. This is to the detriment of all of society. We believe all voices are valuable, and it is our mission to add to the larger discussion and to put our limited resources to work in order to share voices and stories that may not otherwise be heard. If you publish with Unleash Lit or Unleash Press, we consider you family.

As stated in our guidelines, we look for authentic and brave voices. We are not the venue for dogma or proselytizing in any form.

How we work

We read each submission to our press, contests, and journal closely. We use a rating system that looks at the voice, originality, grammar/syntax, and style/plot (when applicable). 

Most all pieces are read by more than one editor. We immediately reject any works that contain hate speech.

Why we charge submission fees

Unfortunately, we have seen more than one small press attacked for charging submission fees. We use a submission platform called Submittable that helps us to stay organized. It costs us a few hundred dollars a year and also takes a portion of any submission fee. This website also costs money. So does publishing books and engaging in some forms of outreach. As writers, we know what it is not to be able to afford submission fees, and if this is the case for you, please email us at That said, if you can afford submission fees, please know that these fees keep us going. We could not operate without them.


Forthcoming blog

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